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1 - Basic Process - Installation renewals


Let’s proceed with the creation of an easy process to manage the renewal of an Asset.
When an installation expires the user will switch the Status to “Out of Order”.
At this point the process will begin.
An eventual renewal will be notified to the user in charge through a pop up.
Once one ore more renewals are inserted the record will be updated.

Below you can display the process.
To enable it tick the “Active” box, once ended the chart and the settings.


This is the first Task of the process.
As previously said, this must be a Condition Task in order to define the starting entity and its starting features.
In this case the starting entity is the Asset module and the process will begin when the record status will be set on “Out of Service” and a previous renewal is not present, that is to say renewals lines (Table field) equal to zero.


In the following Task, ScriptTask, the Process Helper is set in order to show the pop up to the assignee for possible

It is then assigned to the latter by “picking” the assignee of the module from the picklist, we link the entity Assets (related ID), we select the checkbox “show popup in the linked entity” and we include a block with the desired fields. In this case there are two fields:

  • Table field with the same fields as the one previously created
  • Note field for any reports


This is the table field shown in the pop up, the one that, once filled, will be updated in the linked record. In fact the inserted fields are the same as the ones created in the module.


At this point, we check if the user has filled the renewal fields. It is possible to check the number of lines inserted,
for example “minimum one”, or check, like in this case, if the user has inserted the renewal notes.
The reference entity it’s the dynamic form previously set.
The process is on hold until that condition is true.


Once the conditional Task is done we proceed with the update of the renewal/s.
Therefore we create a Script Task with a Cycle type action.
We cycle the number of line inserted in the dynamic form (Possible Renewal field) and for every line “Add tab line” in the field “Renewal” created in the module.
Doing so the lines inserted in the pop up will be reported in the record.


Now we proceed by updating the existing fields.

For each of them we take the entity contained in the Dynamic Form and we select the value “Current” in the pick list, in order to obtain the correct value for each line. Even if this is not the case, if we wanted we could for example obtain the sum or the average of different fields from different lines.


We complete the process by setting the End Event, changing the status in “Ended” and linking it to the entity (Assets).