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18.10 Internal REST Webservice Methods

These Web services allow you to do HTTP requests to the specified endpoints (VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/METHOD_NAME).

The requests need POST method, basic authentication (you must set ‘Authentication basic’ into the header which is calculated through a function based on username* and password*) and their relative parameters.
Each one method will give a JSON response with a status and the data or in case of error an error code and its relative message.

• The “id” parameter is always specified as ‘moduleid* x recordid’ (ex: 2x313)
   *: You can get the the moduleid from webservice ‘describe’ method (idPrefix)

• Authorization: Basic base64_encode("username*:password*")
• Content-Type : application/json

username* (VTE) password* (User preferences’ Webservice Access Key)

Authorization Example:
‘Basic ZmVkZXJpY28ucGVybGluOjB5cm5MRjNhS2RhMDZ2c3E=‘

Requirements for Apache2:
• Activate apache rewrite module
• Set AllowOverride All into the virtualhost file to the vte path folder.

<Directory /var/www/html/VTE_FOLDER>
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Requirements for Nginx + PHP FPM

As Nginx does not handle htaccess file, some special rewrites are needed in order to handle WS requests.
Below an example of nginx conf file:

server {
	listen 80;

	root /var/www/vtenext/;
	autoindex off;
	index index.php index.html index.htm;

	# Make site accessible from http://localhost/
	server_name localhost;

	location / {
		# First attempt to serve request as file, then
		# as directory, then fall back to index.html
		try_files $uri $uri/ index.html;

	# deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
	# concurs with nginx's one
	location ~ /\.ht {
		deny all;
	# special folder handling, since .htaccess files are not supported
	location /restapi/v1 {
		rewrite ^(.+)/vtews/(.*)$ /restapi/v1/index.php/vtews/$2;
    # PORTAL

	location ~ /portal/v2/(?!public) {
		rewrite ^/portal/v2/(.*)$ /portal/v2/public/$1;
	location /storage {
		deny all;
		location /storage/uploads_emails_ {
			allow all;
		location /storage/images_uploaded/ {
			allow all;
		location ~* /storage/logo/.+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ {
			allow all;
		rewrite ^/storage/(.*)$ /getStorage.php?file=$1;
	location /logs {
		deny all;
	location /plugins/dataimporter {
		deny all;
	location /cache/sys {
		deny all;
	location /cache/pdfmaker {
		deny all;
	location /cache/import {
		deny all;
	location /cache/session {
		deny all;
	location /cache/pdf {
		deny all;
	location /dataimport {
		deny all;
	location /modules/VteSync/VteSyncLib/storage {
		deny all;
	location /modules/Messages/src/attachment_tnef/plugins/attachment_tnef/class/ {
		deny all;
	# disabled by default, enable it if needed
	#location ~* \.(gif|jpe?g|png|swf|css|js|html?|xml|txt|ico)$ {
	#	rewrite ^(.*)$ /smartoptimizer/?$1;
    # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
	location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) {
		include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
		# With php cgi alone:
		# With php fpm:
		fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
		fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

Web Service Methods:

createCreate a record of the specified moduleelementType (String)element (Encoded)Return all fields and values of the created record

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/create

{"elementType":"Accounts", "element":"{\"accountname\":\"account1\", \"assigned_user_id\":\"19x1\"}"}

updateUpdate the specified recordid (String)columns (Encoded)Return all fields and values of the updated record

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/update

{"id":"3x310", "columns":"{\"accountname\":\"test fede postman\"}"}

reviseUpdate the specified record. It’s different only for parameters, the result is the sameelement (Encoded)Return all fields and updated values

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/revise



retrieveIllustrate the fields of the specified record and their relative valuesid (String)Return all fields and values of the specified record

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/retrieve


retrieveinventoryIllustrate the fields of the specified inventory record, their relative values and the product block’s informationid (String)Return all fields and values of the specified record and product’s block information


Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/retrieveinventory



deleteDelete the specified recordid (String)Return the request status (successful or not)

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/delete


queryExecute a query and return the result’s rowsquery (String)Return all rows of the executed query

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/query


{"query":"SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE accountname like '%vte%';"}

listtypesDescribe each one module which contains uitype of the specified formatfieldTypeList (Encoded)Return module information of the specified fieldtypes

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/listtypes



describeDescribe the specified module and their relative fieldselementType (String)Return all module information and its fields properties(no hidden fields)

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/describe



describeallThe describeall method is different from describe one because it shows hidden fields tooElementType (Encoded)Return all module information and its fields properties(hidden fields too)

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/describeall



getlabelsReturn all labels and translated ones of the specified module,languageusername (String)language (String)module (String)Return labels and translated ones of the specified module, language

Ex:Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/getlabels


{"username":"admin", "language":"it_it", "module":"Accounts"}

getlangsReturn all languages installed into the CRM Return all CRM languages
loginpwdReturn user webservice access key if username and password are validusername (String)password (String)Return user webservice access key

Ex:Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/loginpwd



getmenulistReturn all modules information (visibility, tabid, name, sequence, ...) Return modules information and properties
oldoqueryReturn records that contain the searched value into specified module’s fieldsmodule (String)search_fields (Encoded)search_value (String)Return some record basic information where searched value is contained into the specified module’s fields

Ex: Url: VTE_URL/restapi/v1/vtews/oldoquery


{"module":"Accounts", "search_fields":"[\"accountname\", \"website\"]", "search_value":"vtenext"}

Is possibile to register a new custom method with this SDK call:

SDK::setRestOperation($rest_name, $handler_path, $function_name, $parameters,$perm);

$rest_name: method name called by REST webservice
$handler_path: file path where the funtion is defined
$function_name: defined function name
$parameters: associative array with parameterName and parameterType
$perm: (only from vtenext 23.08) one of “read”, “write” or “readwrite”, describing the kind
of operation of this webservice. Used with additional accesskey for the users.


SDK::setRestOperation('check_exists','modules/SDK/examples/RestApi/CustomRestApi.php','vtws_check_exists', array('id'=>'string'),'read');