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Release Note vtenext 24.08

New Web Features

  • Bookme: In the user preferences, a new option has been added to easily copy the link to your personal calendar. In the previous version, the link was generated directly within the email composition. This update provides greater convenience for sharing.


  • Check Business Portal login: It is now possible to unlock Portal users who have been blocked by the system after too many failed login attempts.


  • Ordinamento Etichette Grafici Reports: è possibile gestire anche l'ordinamento delle etichette (label) nei grafici dei reports. Troviamo questa features, direttamente nella configurazione del grafico, sotto la voce Ordinamento Dati.



  • NewReport CustomerGraph PortalLabel Sorting:

    It'sIt is now possible to configuremanage the customersorting portalof labels in report graphs. This feature can be found directly in the graph configuration, under the Data Sorting option.


  • User Search in Calendar Preferences: User search fields have been added in the user preferences, making it easier to configure and share the calendar when dealing with customizeda profileslarge number of users.


  • Share Sender: In the Messages module, only the admin user has the ability to configure an email account and flag a field named "Share Sender." This function allows for a shared outgoing mailbox for all users, without needing to configure it for each client,individual creatinguser. personalizedWhile homepagesthe withinbox buttonsfor andthis functionsmailbox tailoredwill not be visible to users, they will still be able to use the shared email account as the sender when sending emails from the Messages module.


  • UITYPE10 Fields (relation fields) from Layout Editor: The ability to add relation fields directly from the layout editor has been introduced. This allows you to add all necessary relationships to each portal user. Additionally, you can publish any module presentas inneeded. vtenext,However, includingthis customfeature ones.has Thea new Customer Portal is responsive.


User Portal Profile Details

Settings - VTENEXT 23.08 (1).png

Button configuration details for portal homepage

Home - Customer Portal (1).png

Ticket details - Customer Portal.png

Interface details for new customer portal

  • Two-Factor Authentication for Users:
    From user preferences,limitation: it is not possible to decideadd howtwo relation fields to access vtenext by enabling two-factor authentication either through the Wilsonsame app or via email.

Screenshot 2023-08-24 125005.pngimage.png

User Preferences for Two-Factor Authentication Activation

User - Administrator [1] - VTENEXT 23.08 (1).png

Details for Two-Factor Authentication PIN Entry

  • IntegrationRead-only withFields Zapierfrom Layout Editor::
    From the vtenextsettings settings,> layout editor of a module, it is now possible to set a field to read/write, read-only, or hidden by clicking on the pencil icon


  • Tooltips on Fields: Also from the layout editor of a module, it is possible to add a synchronizationtooltip for each field, which is a small help text to guide the user on how to fill in or use that specific field.



  • Improved Calendar Mass-Edit: It is now possible to perform mass edits on Common Fields in the Calendar, or specifically on Events or Tasks, thereby increasing productivity.


  • GPT Services: The services we offer are: SUMMARIES, TEXT PROCESSING, DIALOGUE WITH KLONDIE. For example, we can request summaries through a ticket when we are faced with Zapiera large amount of information (in the description, comments, etc.) and need a summary to the Synchronizations section. Allunderstand the configurationissue (with the possibility of updating the requested summary when there are new details or comments in the ticket itself).



    The summary is also available in the message module and summarizes the entire thread.


    Also in the Messages module, it’s possible to have a text processed by the artificial intelligence that meets specific characteristics. Just provide basic instructions on what you want to communicate, choose the type of text the AI should write, and you’re all set.


    This function is also available in the Conversations module.


    From the Conversations module, it is also possible to use Klondie as a Co-Pilot in various modes: general inquiries (like CHAT GPT), internal inquiries, for example, which client has generated the most revenue (for which a specific model will need to be donecreated), and inquiries based on Zapiermanuals first,(for andinstance, thenasking transitionKlondie how to vtenextconvert toa lead or create a processquote, and it will provide an answer based on this online manual or other client-specific sites and manuals).




  • Icons on Modules (standard and new): By running a script from code, you can easily add the desired icons to existing modules or to custom ones created through the interface.

    OAuth2 Server: Ability to configure vtenext as an authentication server.

    Conditional Fields on the Business Portal: Conditional fields are also available directly on the Client Portal and work exactly as they do in vte (with the same configuration done directly on the CRM admin side).


    • Improved compatibility with the Users Resources module (now, if invited to a calendar, they also receive the ICS invitation via email).
    • When the Mail Converter receives an email and links it to an existing ticket, it now allows for the initiation of a process.
    • When the Mail Converter links a customer's reply to a ticket, the Comments area now displays a few lines followed by a "view all" button that allows Zapieryou to interact withsee the of the email text. This improves visibility and reduces scrolling in comments.
    • Added a relationship between the Visit Reports module and Documents.
    • Added the ability to insert Documents on the portal as External Links in addition to attachments.
    • The product price in Purchase Orders is now based on the Unit Cost field rather than the Unit Price field (this is the default in new installations, while in updated versions the old management remains and activation must be requested through the customer portal).
    • It is now possible to modify the parameters present in the headers of an external webservice (modify, add, delete).
    • OAuth2 fix for Office365/Outlook (prevents timeout of unnecessary folder synchronization).


  • Configuration


New DetailsFeatures forin Zapier


  • New LeadCondition: Conversion:In
    Anprocesses, updateda andnew morecondition functional"has versionchanged of lead conversionfrom" has been introduced.added Now,in everythingaddition isto basedthe onpreviously anavailable editable"has process,changed andto," as shown in the following image.

    Naturally, when choosing this option, it will be possible to independentlyspecify managethe value of the change, i.e., it has changed from value X to value Y.


  • Update Dynamic Forms: In dynamic forms within processes, you can now update fields in related modules, including custom modules. The same procedure applies to the standard "Link Entities" function, allowing you to link entities through dynamic forms.


  • Zoom: You can now zoom in and out on the process diagram by using the mouse scroll wheel (forward and backward). This feature is available not only in the settings but also in the "Process Chart" tab present in each module.


  • Highlighted Path: Within the "Process Chart" tab in the modules, you can now visualize the path the process has followed, thanks to a yellow highlight (yellow outline) around the various tasks involved.


    Additionally, by clicking on a process task and selecting "Process Helper," you'll find all the details of the fields toinvolved bein completedthat duringprocess, thealong conversion.
  • with
their current values.

Lead - Davis Jennifer [LEA6] - VTENEXT 23.08.pngimage.png


  • Action foron leadDynamic conversion.


    Lead - Davis Jennifer [LEA6] - VTENEXT 23.08 (3).png


    Furthermore,is during the conversion, it will benow possible to choosecreate whethera new action on a dynamic form and call it from anywhere in a process. This function is useful, for example, to linkupdate the data to an existing record.

      1 (2).png

      Setting a logo for the Login page

      2 (2).png

      Setting the logo for the internal left sidebar in vtenext

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      Setting a logo for the login page of the new customer portal

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      Setting a logo for the internal left sidebar of the new customer portal

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      Setting the background image for the login page of vtenext

      • Assistance Request: This new feature, available in every user preferences, allows the creation of temporary credentials to be provided to vtenext Customer Support when necessary (e.g., during the investigationvalues of a reportedspecific issuesupport field and then use it in other fields. Instead of creating placeholder fields, you can use a hidden dynamic form that can be called from anywhere.


      • Add Comment to Ticket: A new SDK function allows you to configure certain parameters to add comments to a ticket via a ticket,process. someoneYou fromcan supportinclude requestsvarious accessparameters credentialsand forautomations vtenext)(such as comment, CRM user, portal user, response email sending, etc.).



      • LeaveTransfer Relationships in Table Fields: When selecting this type of action in a Conversation:process, Theyou abilitywill toalso clickfind ontable fields among the "ABANDON"available button to exit a conversation one no longer wishes to follow.

      • New Calendar Features: The abilitymodules to choose whetherfrom.



      • simply
      • move

        New anMathematical EventOperations: byIn draggingprocesses, Practicalcan shortcutsnow havehandle not just addition but also beensubtraction, addedmultiplication, throughand buttondivision.



      • Mark as Spam: In the Messages module, the option to add emails to spam more quickly has been added.
      • External Dynamic Forms (BPMN): With this feature, it is possible to send external requests to vtenext and collect data, consents, or other information through dynamic forms created with the process engine.


      • PushImproved NotificationsSubprocess Management::
        ForIn a subprocess task, you can now select only processes that have "initial condition" set to the Wilsonfunction App,"on pushsubprocess notificationslaunch." haveAdditionally, beenthe introduced.main Itprocess will benot possiblecontinue toduring activatethe execution of the subprocess until the subprocess reaches the end cycle task.
      • Overwrite Headers in External Webservices: You can now overwrite headers in external webservices by calling them from a process.
    • New Features in Mobile APP

        • Filters for Mobile: Both on the web and receivein alertsthe wheneverapp, anyou email,can anow conversation,set filters for mobile by either editing the filter itself or anyusing typethe of"duplicate notificationfor" Allfunction.





        • Mobile Profiles: From the Wilson app settings, available in the vtenext settings, you can benow configuredcreate throughnew mobile profiles to differentiate views, similar to how it is done for the settingsweb.



          on the App.



        • Biometric Fingerprint Access:
          It is possible to add biometric authentication for accessing the App through fingerprint recognition.
