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18.2.1 Webform with GDPR fields

GDPR fields have been enabled inside the webforms from version 18.12 onwards. For example, you can request Marketing Consent, Third-Party Consent, Profiling Consent, etc., and save the choice made with IP and date-time in the lead data sheet.

Here are the configuration details:
The GDPR fields are grouped in blocks of three (view, date-time, IP).
It is therefore necessary to set the information view fields as mandatory, to display the field in the webform as a picklist (YES/NO) and then force the user to make a choice. The date and IP fields must be hidden fields (so set the hidden flag to yes in the webform configuration).
The following must be entered as default value in the date field:

$(general : (__VteMeta__) date_Y_m_d) $(general : (__VteMeta__) time”

The following must be entered as default value in the IP field

$(general : (__VteMeta__) clientip”.

By doing so, the setting of the consent + date-time and IP of the request is obtained in the GDPR block.

Assigned to

Lead Recipient

Return Url

When the webform confirmation button is pressed, the user will be redirected to the address indicated here (for example, the thank you page)

Once the webform has been created, click on the "Show Form" button to display the HTML code to be included inside your web page.