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3.1.2 Lead conversion

A show of interest from the lead in relation to your proposal corresponds to the opening of a commercial negotiation. Before the offer is generated, the lead must be converted into:

  • a Contact with the data of the physical person (name, surname, email, mobile phone…)
  • an Account containing the company name (VAT number, registered office, sector…) [optional]
  • a sale Opportunity, i.e. the negotiation (amount, closing date…) [optional]


All information previously collected for the Lead will be available, after conversion, in the Contacts, Accounts, and/or Potential Modules, based on their contents and the mapping defined during the configuration phase. (Please view chapter 17.7.2 Custom fields mapping for Leads conversion)

To convert a lead, just click on Convert Lead in the Other button. The conversion panel allows you decide whether to:

  • create the account, the contact and/or the potential, by activating or deactivating the corresponding flag;
  • enter the commercial negotiation data in the potential: Potential Name, Expected Closing Date, Sale status, Amount;
  • the elements initially related to the lead will be transferred to the account or to the contact.

When you save the data, an account, a contact related to the account and a potential will be created, depending on the options selected.

N.B.: The original lead will be deleted in order to avoid duplicates.