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5.5.1 vtenext version update notification

From version 19.10 you can receive a notification from the CRM when a new vtenext version update is available.


Clicking on the update details will open a dedicated page that allows you to plan or postpone the vtenext update.

Plan Update

Click on PLAN UPDATE to display the following window in which you can select the DATE and TIME of the update, the users to alert when the updated is completed, and the contents of the email sent by the system automatically:

Click on the PLAN button at the top right of the page to set the date and time when the system is to auto-install the update.

Remind me

This function is used receive an update available reminder from the CRM at a later date.
The options are:

  • 4 hours
  • Tomorrow
  • Next week

Once you have decided when you wish to be alerted, the following screen page will be displayed:

N.B.: note that even if it has been read, the notification is not removed from the notifications log and if a new attempt is made to access the record it will not be possible to view or edit the choices made previously. The screen page will thus be similar to the screen shown below.