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8.1.2 Configurable products and product variants

From vtenext 20.04 it is possible to manage product variants with the new module Configurable Products. By following the logics of a normal e-commerce we can manage father products and the related variants. Let’s make an example to better understand this function.

Product Name

Features names

Possible values



32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb


Black, White, Gold


Size S, M, L, XL, XXL
Color White, Red, Green

For each father product it is possible to create infinite variations. Let’s see how:


Creation of a Configurable Product with Variants


Detail of a configurable product with values

In the end a product will have to be created (from the vtenext standard Products module), and then we can select the pre set variables as shown in the image below. The product’s name, for example iPhone 32Gb, and the selected variables will be Memory 32Gb and Color Black.
Moreover, it will be possible to add a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) code for the product. This identification code of a warehouse-managed item is usually assigned to a product in order to identify it.


Detail product with variant information set

When a new quote is filled in it will be possible to create a new iPhone product, like we can see in the example, this will allow us to search all the possible variants. Note that, from the quote module, the research of products with variants works only if at least a product with the related variant exists.

select-item-details-in-a-quote.pngDetail of research of products with variants in the quote module

item-details-in-a-quote.pngDetail of selected product in the quote module: variants are inserted in the product description