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9.1 Potentials

A potential is established if there is a real interest in your products/services from both potential and current customers, opening up a negotiation process. If it is not created automatically through conversion (see the section on Leads), you can subsequently add the potential to the Company to which it is addressed, through the relations menu.

The potential is the container of the negotiation and all the information, documents and communication between you and the customer strictly related to the individual negotiation.

In addition, the tool has commercial forecast and report objectives that should not be overlooked (e.g. the Budget tool available for this purpose). The option of customising the registry by modifying the fields through Layout Editor also applies to Potentials, as for all the vtenext modules.

Potential Name

Name of the potential

Amount (€)

Useful for anyone wishing to make predictions about the value of open potentials, even though the initial value may be indicative. It is self-calculated at the time of linking with a quote if product lines have been organised

Account name

Link to the customer company present in the CRM

Expected Close Date

Expected date of conclusion of the deal


Allows for cataloguing between existing and new business

Next Step

The next step in the negotiation

Lead Source

Reports the origin of the lead, in the event that the potential arises from a lead conversion

Sales Stage

Important to know the state of progress of the negotiation

Assigned to

By default, assigned to the user who creates it. Identifies the salesperson who manages the negotiation

Probability (%)

Probability of success of the negotiation which, multiplied by the amount, makes it possible to obtain a plausible forecast of the value of the single potential

Campaign Source

If the source is an ongoing or completed campaign, you can link it

Potentials can also be exported and imported via .csv (see relevant chapter).