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2.5.1 Record structure (detail view)


1. Relations with other modules: positioned on the right of the screen, this function summarises all the relations with other modules of the record in which you are operating by indicating the numbers of related elements. To display a related module click on its name. The admin user can change the order of items, decreasing in accordance with the number of Relations, by means of Modules manager > Layout editor.


For example, clicking on Contacts produces the following view:


To create a record of the selected module, in relation to the currently active tab, click “Add“ in the relations box.


Screen that shows how relations of one module can be manage by the user.


Examples of related modules are shown below.

Planned calendar activities






By default, the relations menu proposes all the existing modules related to the module you are manage.
Certain actions available in the module are accessible by clicking the “Other” button.image-1632486265177.png

The actions are partly general and partly contextual. For example, the Convert Lead option is only present in the Leads module.

Finally, below we provide a list of standard icons located at the top right of the page before the “Other” button:

- Edit

- Tracking

- Add Event

- New Task

- Link new email

- Favourite

- Notify me of changes

- Link

- Other