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3.1.2 Lead conversion

A show of interest from the lead in relation to your proposal corresponds to the opening of a commercial negotiation. Before the offer is generated, the lead must be converted into:

  • a Contact with the data of the physical person (name, surname, email, mobile phone…)
  • an Account containing the company name (VAT number, registered office, sector…) [optional]
  • a sale Opportunity, i.e. the negotiation (amount, closing date…) [optional]


By clicking the "Convert Lead" button which is located in the upper-right side of every lead detail view a process you be lauched. This process allows the user to choose which entity have to bre created and you can also add every information you need before converting the lead.


To open the converting pop-up you need to click the button "Edit" located in the green banner. 


For each of the three blocks (Account Information, Contact information and Potential information) you can choose if create the entity or not. Also, for the Account information you can select an existing account so the contact and potential you are creating will be linked to that account instead of creating a new one


PAY ATTENTION: The profiles limitation (talking about the accounts, contacts and potentials fields) are valid also in this process.


All information previously collected for the Lead will be available, after conversion, in the Contacts, Accounts, and/or Potential Modules, based on their contents and the mapping defined during the configuration phase. (Please view chapter 17.7.2 Custom fields mapping for Leads conversion)

N.B.: table fields are not supported in Lead conversion and therefore cannot be mapped

3.1.2 Lead conversion_2.png

To convert a lead, just click on Convert Lead in the Other button. The conversion panel allows you decide whether to:

  • create the account, the contact and/or the potential, by activating or deactivating the corresponding flag;
  • enter the commercial negotiation data in the potential: Potential Name, Expected Closing Date, Sale status, Amount;
  • the elements initially related to the lead will be transferred to the account or to the contact.

When you save the data, an account, a contact related to the account and a potential will be created, depending on the options selected.

N.B.: The original lead will be deleted in order to avoid duplicates.