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3.5.2 How to format the CSV file

Data must be in ASCII format with values separated by commas or semi-colons. The csv format is frequently used to exchange data between the various applications.

If you wish to import data, they must be formatted in accordance with the following rules:

  • All comma separated fields must be between quotation marks;
  • You must include all required fields in the CRM (e.g. Surname and Company in the case of Leads); Fields with dashes, file extensions or justification spaces are not allowed;
  • Numerical fields must not contain thousands separators (e.g. 3800 rather than 3.800). The decimal separator is a full stop;
  • Fields containing quotation marks cause problems. If you wish to use them they must be enclosed between round brackets;
  • To import date type fields you can choose the format;
  • To import values ​​into standard picklist, just enter the value in the cell and it will be imported. If this value is not present in the crm picklist, it will be added automatically, while if it is written in the same way both in the crm and in the CSV file, it will be connected normally;
  • To import values in multi-selection picklists use the format: value1 [##] value2 [##] value3. (spaces and brackets included);
  • The field headers must be in the first line of the csv file;
  • When related fields are imported (e.g. the Contact who is connected to his Company), the CSV file must be formatted in a particular way, with a string to be able to connect said Contacts (or other module), with your Company (or other module whose main name must be written in the same way as it was entered in vtenext):
NameSurnameAccount Name
LyndaCarterAccounts::::Wonder LTD

Below we will list all the names to correctly set the related fields on the CSV file:

Modulo NamePrefix NameModulo NamePrefix Name
FAQFaq::::Trouble ticketsHelpDesk::::
InvoiceInvoice::::Job OrdersJobOrder::::
Product linesProductLines::::ProductsProducts::::
Project MilestonesProjectMilestone::::ProjectsProjectPlan::::
Project TasksProjectTask::::QuotesQuotes::::
Purchase OrderPurchaseOrder::::  
Sales OrderSalesOrder::::Service ContractsServiceContracts::::
VendorsVendors::::Visit ReportVisitreport::::

The figure shows an example of a file for importing a lead. Each line represents a data set.

If you want to import contact data from your office application, ensure they are correctly formatted. Whenever you use MS Outlook proceed as explained below:

1. Check data format

In most cases the data must be checked and manually edited before importation. This is an important operation to ensure all the information is correctly formatted.

Now proceed as follows:

  • Export the contacts from Outlook in Excel format; Launch Excel and open the file;
  • Check all special characters such as comas, dots, semicolons, and quotation marks and replace any that give rise to problems, e.g. with a blank space;
  • Check columns containing the compulsory fields, making sure that every single value is present in the different lines;
  • Remove the initial column, if present, and all other columns that are not needed in vtenext, in order to streamline the importation process;
  • Make sure the information you intend to use is present, because subsequent removal of mistakes in vtenext may require additional work.

2. Save the file in CSV format (DELIMITED BY THE LIST SEPARATOR)
From your Excel program (or similar), is possible to export (File + Save with name) in CSV format (comma separeted values) and save with this configuration. The file will be ready to be imported in the crm.