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7.1 How to create contact campaigns

Use vtenext 19.10, making sure the system is configured for sending emails

1) Firstly you must check the GDPR settings by clicking on Settings:

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2) Click on the ‘Customer tools’ menu and then on the ‘GDPR’ section

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3) At this point all the GDPR app settings are shown, divided into blocks:

  • Webservice – CRM URL, user's access key (default administrator), username, language and app logo are indicated
  • Template – The templates are selected for various requirements (support, access, confirmation, changes)
  • Privacy Policy – To specify a customised privacy policy

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4) Click on "EDIT" to change the stored parameters. This screen shows the first block (Webservice)

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5) As already mentioned, you can select different templates in this block (Template) to use for support requests, contact logins, contact update confirmation and contact data update notification.

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6) The company's privacy policy is defined in the last block (Privacy Policy); the fields are pre-compiled with a default privacy policy. Make sure the default policy is consistent with your company privacy policy. You can insert images, tables, text, etc.

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7) At this point, a new Campaign will be created for transmission of a subsequent informative newsletter concerning the GDPR. Click on the +CREATE button

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8) When creating the campaign the type must be selected (GDPR in this case). Now save the settings

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9) This will therefore become the new Campaign you have just created

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10) Now, you must create a new Target to link contacts to the campaign. This can be done from the Target module or directly by clicking on the TARGET relation shown in the details of the CAMPAIGN you have just created and clicking on ADD TARGET

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11) The required fields must be defined and then the information must be saved

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12) Once saved, click on Contacts from the Related List alongside to select the contacts. Select a filter and click on "LOAD LIST"

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13) If you decided to create the Target directly from its module at point 10), you must remember to link it to the previously created campaign. To do this, simply enter the Campaign

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14) A popup will now open showing a list of the Targets present in the system. Select the Target you have just created, in this case GDPR Target, then click on ‘ADD SELECTED’

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15) At this point the Campaign is related to a target, which is in turn related to Contacts. You can now create a Newsletter to send the communication. From the campaign Related List click on Newsletter and then on ADD NEWSLETTER

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16) Proceed by filling in the necessary fields, specifying name, language, sender’s name and email address with which the newsletter will be sent. Once saved, go to the Newsletter Details to select an Email Template as described in the next screen

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17) From ‘Other’ icon, click on the symbol to select a Template Email.

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Make sure the variable is present in the template

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The variable is inserted in a link that can be associated with the following elements: 

  • Button
  • Image
  • Text

When the user choose the selected element, in the GDPR template above has been selected the button, paste the variable through the setting option within the Href field.

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18) Select the Template you have just created or the default template entitled "GDPR – Default newsletter
– IT", which contains the link required for the various procedures

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19) At this point you can click on Send Email to plan the Newsletter to be sent at a scheduled time. Once it has been clicked, the ‘Scheduled’ field will be changed as shown below

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20) Once the email has been sent to the contact, several fields of the contact record will be updated, namely the newsletter sending date ‘GDPR sending date’

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21) The contact will receive an email with a verification link. When the link is clicked, an App confirmation page will open. The recipient can tick his/her data security preferences only after completing the access. The associated values will be updated in the contact record