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12.3 Project Tasks

Operations comprise the internal phases of the planning that, once completed, lead to the conclusion of the project.

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The user assignee of the operation will be able to update the state of progress of the activity through the Progress and Hours spent fields.

The report will provide an overview of the progress of the planning, both through the list of operations and the Gantt diagram. The colours of the Operations bars in the graph corresponds to the colours chosen for the "Priority" field (drop-down menu), managed directly from Settings>Colouring View by List.

Within the coloured bar, an additional darker coloured bar shows the progress status (based on the Progress field).

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Progress detail

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Example of a Planning Chart with multiple Operations

From vtenext 20.04 in the module Project Task we can find the new field “Budget Information” in order to split the service delivery among Project, Pack and Consumptive.

Possible configurations:

ProjectWithin a project operation, vtenext, counts the foreseen hours according to the Sales Price of the Product/Service sold, dividing it by Price per day reported on the Company record.
The automatic compleation of the fields: Used Hours, Used Budget and Residual Budget take place when an event is closed  setting the value “Held” in the field status. Events must be linked directly to projects task as well as tickets that have been linked to projects task.
PackThe Operation Pack allows to count a total of sold hours per Product/Service within the field Package Hours.The automatic reduction of Used hours and Residual Hours happen  when an event is closed setting the value Held” in the field status. Events must be linked directly to projects task as well as tickets that have been linked to projects task.
ConsumptiveConsumptive operation will count the Used Hours and the Used Budget according to the related tasks or tickets. It will automatically insert the number of hours that have to be invoiced, which will vary from the value set manually from the users in the field Invoiced Hours, when an event is closed setting the value "Held” in the field status. Events must be linked directly to projects task as well as tickets that have been linked to projects task.

Within the new section called “ Budget information” there is an automatism which associate each selected service type ( Project,Package and Comsumptive) to an action of adding/reducing hours inside the reserved fields in the section. The necessary condition to enable the automatism, as above described, is to add a linked event to the project task or alternatively to add an event to a ticket which is linked to the project task in the following ways:

  •  create an event using the activity tracking tool (play button at the top right of screen);
  •  create an event by pressing the calendar icon at the top right of screen;
  • create an event by selecting the calendar relation on the right part of the screen.

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Daily cost field in the Account module

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Detail Project with Project Budget

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Detail Project with Pack Budget

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Detail Project with Consumptive Budget

N.B. As the type of Service Delivery varies, vtenext does not recalculate the hours previously used.