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5.2.2 Writing and reading emails

There are three equivalent options to send an email, e.g. to a contact:

1. clicking on the email address shown in the record or in any vtenext page;
2. clicking on the icon in the light blue toolbar, selecting Write
3. from the Messages module interface, clicking on

5.2.2 Writing and reading emails_1.png

All three options lead to the same New Email page.


The recipient email address must be entered; you can write the email address or select it from the list (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Vendors and Users)


Carbon Copy: you can enter the address of recipients who are to receive a copy of the email


The copy to email addresses added with BCC will not be visible to the other recipients


The subject of your email


You can add attachments to the email by means of the Add file function or by dragging the file to the drop area

N.B. when an email is sent from a detail view of a Document (from within the registry, click on the related of the Messages and then click on New Message), any attachments of that email are linked in the Documents related to that same registry

Send method

Single: send a single mail with all visible recipients in the “to” field
Multiple: send a separate email to each recipient in the “to” field, without showing the recipients’ names or email addresses

Select email Template

Select one of the available templates saved in Settings > Email templates


Sends the email

Save draft

Forces a save of your draft (also occurs automatically)

The account view mask is divided into three parts:

5.2.2 Writing and reading emails_2.png

1° column:

2° column:

3° column:

Email list, or

Sender’s data

Operations and links available for the email

Folders list by clicking on the Folders button, or

Body of the email

Accounts list, clicking on the Mailboxes button (shown only if more than one account is configured)


N.B.: Starting with the version 20.04 every time a user answers to an email and the recipient's address is not a record in the CRM a new contact is automatically created.

Programmed transmission of an email from the Messages module

From version 19.10, you can program an email to be sent at a later time. In the compose screen, after having entered the subject, the body and the recipient(s), you can click on the arrow located next to the Send button.


This will open a menu item labelled “Program send”.


Selecting this option will open a popup with the facility to set the date and time for sending the email in question (choose one of the preset options or click on “other” to configure the exact time and date to send the email).


Once the email has been programmed, the following functions can be used:

invia_ora.pngSend now: send the programmed email immediately
riprogramma_invio.pngScheduled sending: reschedule the previously set sending
elimina_programmazione_invio.pngDelete: delete the programmed email permanently

To view the functions mentioned above, simply go to the dedicated folder from the message module (see chapter 5.2.1)

N.B.: Once the sending date and time have been reached, the email will disappear from the scheduled list.