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vtenext 20.04 release notes

BPMN engine improvements

1. Process History in detailview. In addition to the tab “Process graph” the user can find the additional tab “Process History” were can read in detail the execution of the process and it is possible to view which user performed a certain action and when.

2. Function relate email in ProcessMaker. It is possible to decide the entity to which relate the email sent by the process in more ways:
• Default -> The email will be related to the main entity of the process
• Other -> The user choses the entity

4. Log debug conditions. We added the possibility to activate the log debug with the aim to facilitate the dubug of eventual issues noticed when running the process.

5. Email send (Notifications, Processes, Email from Tickets) via new tail. The Email sending process follows now the standard procedure by following the sending tail. By doing so the execution time of the process is reduced because it doesn’t have to wait the sending.

6. ProcessMaker: added related entities in actions Delete, Relate, RelateStatic.

7. Added relations in the Document module

Process’ Product block actions

1. Copy line: it is possible to copy the product block from an inventory module to another, avoiding to use the SDK to report the product block from one entity to another.

2. Cycle product block rows and for each one row: create entities/enter rows/delate rows/send emails/sending notifications. It is furthermore possible to cycle the information of a product block in a table field and vice versa.

3. Add line from static/dynamic data directly in the products block. The function is similar to the one performed in a table field.

Message module

1. Scheduled email sending: it is possible to postpone the sending of an email deciding the new time and date.


 2. Creation of contacts in the CRM for unknown email addresses: when responding to an email that contains an unknown address vtenext automatically creates a new contact

3. Messages Out of office reply

4. imap parameters and PEC option in mail converter: from mail converter it is possible to define a PEC email address and in the way the ticket will be created with the original mail, that is to say the one contained in the .eml attached file

5. Unified folds for different email addresses


General / CORE / Performance

1. RabbitMQ support. To manage tails and obtaining immediate response when saving the record

2. Global cache for vte_field and workflow. We added caches for some frequently used tables like vte_field and the workflows on, to avoid repeated readings of the same data

3. OWASP top 10 compliant. We added the anti-CSRF according to the OWASP standard

4. Variants of SKU products. Using the new module configurable Products it is possible to define a new generic product with variables attributes
es. T-shirt with Size attribute (XS/S/M/L/XL) or Colour (Red, Green, Yellow)
Every variant of the product is univocally defined by a SKU code (stock keeping unit)

5. Next theme softening

6. Editor drag and drop newletter/email templates

 7. Activation of non-contextual licenses

8. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS support (php 7.4/mysql8)

Sync connector

Standard connectors available for the following systems:

  • Hubspot®:
    Modules: 'Users', 'Accounts', 'Contacts', 'Potentials','HelpDesk', 'Targets','Targets_Contacts' (to have contacts related to the target).
    Direction: all bidirectional, except for her users that is monodirectional from hubspot to vtenext
  • Jira®:
    Modules: 'Users', 'ProjectPlan', 'ProjectTask', 'HelpDesk', 'TicketComments'
    Direction: all bidirectional, except for her users that is monodirectional from Jira to vtenext
  • SuiteCRM®:
    Modules: 'Users', 'Leads', 'Accounts', 'Contacts', 'Potentials', 'Campaigns', 'HelpDesk', 'Products'
    Direction: all bidirectional, except for her users that is monodirectional from SuiteCRM to vtenext

All synchronization are in Beta version, therefore some fields and values may not be supported.

Klondike connector

Plugin available in settings to connect vtenext with the Machine Learning engine Klondike:

• Process discovery agents: analyses and identifies which are the commonly used processes in vtenext. Once discovered can be imported in the Process Manager to be further developed
• Classification manager: uses AI to guess the value of a field. Example: when creating a ticket the Category is guesses by analysing title and description.

Klondike from Settings


Process discovery Agent

Process discovery

Process list

Projects Module

A new module, Job Orders, has been created to contain all Project Tasks.


Job Orders mask

Project mask

Project Gantt

Operations in detail

Calendar for the resources involved

A resource view has been added to the calendar to help manage the team's weekly activities


Final events tracking

In project task is now available the new fields block “Budget Information” to deliver Project, Pack or Consumptive services, the worked hours will be scaled using the activity tracking system.

Order report example

Example of project execution process