Main Process: Potential Management
We use the Task Sub Processes to create them, doing so we will simplify the logic behind the main process.
In the example below we will draw 2 Sub Processes:
- 1st Send a summary email to the assignee and creates reminder event.
- 2nd Creates a pre filled Quote (only if the previous conditions are true) and sends it via email updating the status of the Potential.
Below you can display the configured process.
The process is activated once a new Potential is created and follows the flow in order to reassign it or to change its status.
To activate it we tick “Active” once the chart and the configuration are ended.
On the left the first task, ore better the initial condition, has been created. Therefore we select the entity, “Potentials”, and we choose when to run the check “on creation”.
Then we state a Group of condition to start the process, in this case the Sales Stage has to be among the ones reported below (“Prospecting”, “Qualification”, “Budgeting”).
This task represents the link to a sub process, which follows its own flow. For this reason we need to chose the sub process to link. In the process selected there is contained an email sending task to inform about the creation of the potential and the creation of two reminders, one 5 days before the expiry date, and the other 2 days before.
This task represents a check on the potential’s status (Sales Stage). Here we define the statuses that have to be managed.
They are divided in two blocks:
- Prospecting
- Needs Analysis
- Perception Analysis
- Proposal/ Price Quote
- Negotiation/ Review
- Value Proposition
- Decision Makers
- Close WON
- Close LOST
The setting is displayed in the following page.
This task is an Exclusive Gateway, which defines the different flows according to the conditions previously set. In this case, if the Sales Status is among the ones reported earlier in the first block (Prospecting, Decision Makers, Negotiation/ Review etc) the process goes on with the task called “Change assignee request”. On the contrary if the status is one of the second block, Close WON/LOST, we go on with the Task “Send Summary Email”.
This task uses the “ProcessHelper” that talks with the user asking a manual intervention. We flag the box “Show pop up in the linked entity” to make a window appear (dynamic form) containing a set of data in read only mode as a recap and a user field in which a new assignee can be selected and a Button field in with which is possible to change the picklist value “Confirm”.
It is necessary to confirm to proceed.
This Task checks the data of the Process Helper. As said, though a dynamic form some recap fields and a confirmation pick list are shown (YES/NO), this defines the new reassignment.
In this point we use the Exclusive Gateway to decide which way the process has to take according to the answer given
in the Dynamic Form. If the user confirmed (YES) the process goes on by reassigning the Potential, if not (NO) the process checks its sales status (Sales Stage).
The Task on the left performs an update action. The user previously chosen in the Dynamic Form will be reported in the Potential. Therefore we add a new action – update entity.
We select the Potential and we change the field Assigned to taking as reference the field contained in the Dynamic Form, that is to say “New Assignee”.
This task is the email sending that informs the new Assignee of the Potential. The user will receive an email containing a summary of the Opportunity.
In the email the process fills the mandatory field, that is to say: Sender, Receiver, Subject and Body.
The task here pictured represents a second check on the Potential status (Sales Stage).
We define the possible status that have to be managed. In this case we check if the sales stage is equal to “Proposal
Price/Quote” or not.
If the result is a match we go on by recalling the subprocess “Pre filled Quote”, otherwise we go directly to the task
“Send summary Email”.
This task is another Exclusive Gateway, which defines the following steps according to the conditions previously set. So if the sales stage is Proposal Price/Quote to process goes on with the following task as previously said, that is by recalling the sub process “Pre filled Quote”. Otherwise it goes on with the email sending.
The task on the left represents a link to a sub process, which will create a quote and when its stage is changed in “Negotiation/Review”, will send an email and update the sales stage of the Potential.
We go in with a task that runs a check and the sales stage of the opportunity, to verify the complete execution of
the Sub Process. If it is equal to “Negotiation/Review”, the flow goes on with the next Task, the sending of an email
containing the final recap.
Questa task rappresenta l’ultima azione, ovvero un invio mail di riepilogo per informare l’assegnatario riguardo i dati relativi l’Opportunità.
Pertanto si clicca su NUOVA AZIONE - Invio mail e si inseriscono i campi necessari. Dopo questa Task si giunge al termine del processo, quindi verso l’End Event.
Come accennato, il processo termina la sua esecuzione in questo nodo, ovvero l’End Event. Viene collegata l’entità “Opportunità” e settato lo stato a “Terminato”.
SottoProcesso: scadenza opportunità
La Task rappresentata risulta essere la Task iniziale per il lancio del SottoProcesso. Infatti non viene selezionata nessuna entità e su “Quando eseguire il controllo” si seleziona “al lancio del sottoprocesso”.
In questa Task viene configurato l’invio mail per l’assegnatario dell’Opportunità. Si configura quindi una NUOVA AZIONE - Invio mail.
Si inseriscono le principali informazioni (mittente, destinatario, oggetto, corpo,…).
Nella task descritta qui a fianco vediamo la creazione di un promemoria, ovvero di un Evento a calendario in vista della Scadenza prevista. Infatti, questo viene pianificato a 5 giorni dalla “Data Chiusura Attesa” inserita nell’Opportunità. Pertanto si compilano i diversi campi come desiderato e si sottraggono 5 giorni dalla data indicata.
In questa task abbiamo la creazione di un secondo promemoria, ovvero di un Evento a calendario in vista della Scadenza effettiva.Questo, a differenza del primo, viene pianificato a 3 giorni dalla “Data Chiusura effettiva” inserita nell’ Opportunità.
Pertanto si compilano i diversi campi come desiderato e si sottraggono 3 giorni dalla data indicata.
SottoProcesso: preventivo pre-compilato
Come nel precedente Sottoprocesso, anche in questo caso troviamo la Task iniziale per l’avvio. Infatti non viene selezionata nessuna entità e su “Quando eseguire il controllo” si seleziona “al lancio del sottoprocesso”.
In questa Task viene configurata una NUOVA AZIONE - Crea Entità, selezionando il modulo “Preventivi”, così da crearne uno precompilato.
Si inserisce il titolo dell’azione, i vari campi relazionando anche l’Opportunità in questione e settando la data di fine validità tra 30 giorni.
A questo punto il Sottoprocesso blocca il flusso di esecuzione sulla Task descritta in seguito.
Si attende infatti che lo Stadio Preventivo dell’entità precedentemente creata (in stato “creato”) passi in “Revisionato”.Solo quando sarà vera questa condizione il processo andrà avanti.
Una volta settato il valore “Revisionato” come Stadio Preventivo il processo prosegue ed invia i dettagli di questo via mail all’indirizzo dell’entità relazionata (Azienda o Contatto) e all’assegnatario in copia.
Una volta creato il Preventivo, controllato che sia cambiato lo Stato in “Revisionato” ed inviato la mail, aggiorniamo lo Stadio di vendita dell’Opportunità in “Trattativa/Revisione”.
A questo punto termina l’esecuzione del Sottoprocesso.