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Courses Module Functionality

The Courses Module is useful in cases where it is necessary to manage Teachers, Documents, and Participants, inviting the latter to enroll in the course being published. The module sends an email to all Leads, Companies, and/or Contacts related to that specific course.

Within the email, a clickable link is provided that allows the recipient to confirm their attendance. This confirmation is then displayed in relation to that specific course, and for that same record, the following statuses can be viewed and/or modified:

  • Email Viewed (automatically populated when the Lead, Company, and/or Contact opens the invitation email)
  • Registered (automatically populated when the Lead, Company, and/or Contact clicks on the link in the invitation email)
  • Attended (manually marked, used as a sort of "attendance roll call")
  • Paid (manually marked by the person responsible, for example, for administration and payments)

Finally, it is possible to create Reports to evaluate the progress of the courses, linked to the statistics already existing in the module itself, which will be discussed in the following chapters.
