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Creating a New Course

From the main screen of the Courses module, you can easily create a new course by simply clicking on the "CREATE" button located at the top left.

image-1646133767322.pngCourses Module Home Page


Course Details

First, you need to enter all the necessary information for setting up the Course, such as the Course Title, Location, Date, Duration, Topics to be covered, Course Type, Target Audience, etc. Note that there are some sections with fields that cannot be manually filled in, as they are controlled by the module's automation (we will go over these in detail later).

It is important to configure the dropdown menus mentioned earlier (such as Target Audience, Course Topics, Course Type) under SETTINGS > STANDARD PICKLIST EDITOR. This allows for maximum customization of the module based on specific needs. There is also the option to add additional fields as needed and create display rules using conditional fields, depending on the course type chosen (standard configuration in vtenext).

Creating the Communication Template for the Course

By clicking the MORE button in the top right, you can create or select a Template for the communication that will be sent to all course participants.

Details of the Popup for Choosing/Creating a Course Communication Template.


Details of the Course Communication Template Creation Screen

From this popup, you can create your own templates using the standard editor or by importing source code created on another external platform.

Selecting Participants and Sending Course Communication.

In the course details view, by clicking on the related records on the right side, such as Leads, Companies, and Contacts, you can choose a filter and import the records you want to contact.


Details of Relationships with Contacts Selected for the Specific Course


Details of the Related Section with Selected Records and Interaction Information

Selection of Instructors and Speakers

In the course details, by clicking on the relationships to the right concerning Instructors and Speakers, you can select from the contacts in vtenext who will be the individuals fulfilling those roles.


Detail of Relationships with Instructors and Speakers Selected for the Specific Course


Detail of the Related List of Selected Records for Instructors and Speakers

Sending Course Invitation Communication

Once the participants have been selected (similar to creating a manual target), it will be necessary to send the communication, which is the email containing the invitation that all recipients will need to click to accept.


Details for Sending Communication to All Course Participants

By clicking the "OTHER" button in the top-right corner, you will be able to send the communication by first selecting the previously created template and then clicking the "SEND COMMUNICATION" button.

NOTE: To enable this sending, the CRM's SMTP server must be configured.

"SEND COMMUNICATION" opens a popup for sending multiple emails, where all the course participants' email addresses are included. Each participant will only see their own email address as the recipient and will not see the other email addresses to which the communication was sent.


Come funziona il modulo Corsi.

Una volta inviata la comunicazione, le anagrafiche selezionate, riceveranno un'email aprendo la quale, il valore MAIL VIEWED passerà da no a sì. Nell'email è inoltre presente un link, cliccando il quale, permetterà al crm di raccogliere quel dato e di cambiare il valore della colonna ISCRITTO da no a sì.

Gli altri due valori, ovvero PARTECIPATO e PAGATO, andranno gestiti manualmente, flaggando l'apposito campo per determinare la partecipazione ed il pagamento del corso da parte dell'iscritto.

Legenda colonne presenti nelle related LEAD, AZIENDE e CONTATTI.


quando il destinatario dell'email comunicazione corso, clicca sul link presente in quell'email, il valore passa da NO a SI'


serve per l'appello dei presenti, il Docente si preoccuperà di cambiare il valore passa da NO a SI'


quando l'amministrazione segnala che il partecipante al corso ha effettuato il pagamento dell'iscrizione, il valore dovrà essere cambiato da NO a SI'

Mail Viewed

quando il destinatario dell'email comunicazione corso apre l'email ricevuta, il valore passa da NO a SI'

Per poter modificare i flag è necessario cliccare sulla lista relazionata dei Contatti / Lead / Aziende ed una volta comparsa la lista fare doppio click sul flag che si vuole modificare:


Viene data la possibilità di modificare il valore e poi di salvare la modifica:
