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Turbolift Counter

When changing the standard extraction criteria of a related list, for example using another method or redefining it by extending the class that contains it, the counter of the number of the linked records visible in the Turbolift (the right column with the list of modules in record detail) may no longer be valid. In this case, therefore, a method that returns the correct count must be defined through the following API.

Definizione di

SDK::setTurboliftCount($relation_id, $method);
$relation_id : relation id relazione (veditable vte_relatedlists)
$method : metodothe chemethod ritornaname ilthat conteggio
Ireturns metodothe vacorrect nella classe che contiene la relazione
(es. nella relazione Contatti collegati ad una Azienda si intende la classe Accounts o eventuali sue estensioni)count

Rimozione:The method must be implemented in the class that contains the relation (eg. in the Contact relationship connected to a Company we mean the Accounts class or any extensions to it)

To remove the customization:


Il metodo può essere il metodo della relatedlist (colonna name in vte_relatedlists) oppure un metodo custom che ritorna un intero.