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Innovations introduced in the new vtenext version 21.10

Eye-catching look and greater perfomance, more available space for your work!


New design for the homepage, new menu with a tree strucuture (on the left part of the screen). Has been introduced new notifications bar at the top right corner of the screen.


Data details: have been added shortcuts (on the right) on the top of the relation block


New features also for the Calendar, please note the new user list on the right 

New module Talks.

The Talks module received an important improvement. The new features added with the new version are the following:

  • Possibility to answer directlly to certain comments (this function is available in most of the chats)
  • Possibility to attach file in the conversation (available also in Mobile APP)
  • Possibility to name a conversation and start a room or group.
  • Possibility to pin a conversation, the pinned conversation will be saved in the important conversation
  • Possibility to filter rapidly the conversations where is involve your own user.
  • Possibility to pin all the conversations, to stimulate an answer from the users


New Interface of the module Talks


Possibility to send files within a conversation (available also in Mobile APP)



Possibility to ping a conversation to stimulate an answer from the users involved.


Added emoji set

Better view on ticket comments

Comments view in the ticket module has been changed to allow an easier use with a right disposition of the "back and forth" on the left part for the comments written by the customer and in the right part of screen for the comments written by the user. Lastly has been added the comment's number already present in the customer portal.


Comment disposition in the Tickets module

Document and sub-folder

Has been implemented the possibility to create a sub-folder in the module Document, in this way users can store files like in pc. Accessing in a folder of the module Document it will be possible to create both a file and a folder. In the module head is avaialable the full path of the file currently viewed. 


List of folders present in the module Documents


Clicking on a folder (in the examples has been choosen the Default folder) we note that inside there is a sub-folder 


Lastly, inside the sub-folder there can be others files as well as others sub-folders with a possible infinite structure of folders and sub-folders. 
Note file path present in the head of the module 

New search engine

The new search engine allows to search in all modules of the crm. Has been improved also the accessibility of the information resulting from the applied research.


New search interface, is possible to get information from the Talks

Improved settingsPossibility to modify relation columns present in detail records of all modules. (Example: if we are located in a record of the module Accounts we can change columns present in contacts, Potentials, Quotations, Sales order, etc.);

    1. Possibility to change columns of the products block, present in the module Quotations, Sales orders, Purchase order and Invoice. This configuration allows to extend and decrease the number of columns with the possibility to add custom fields (Example: unit of measurement, count per package, checkbox, description fields or text fields, currency fields or number fields etc.).
      In addition with each created  fields is possible to manage formula for its valorization going beyoind the classic and of course still present PxQ (Price multiplied quantity);
    2. The new color scheme applied to view list, allows to color each list based on values, as we already now, moreover is possible to select the style through which color the rows, in details: we can color all the row, we can color a small part on the left, or just a fine line in the bottom of the record. Lastly is possible to adjust the color intensity, thanks to a slider that manage the percentage value;
    3. Has been introduced the possibility to reorganize the fields of each module, accessing to Settings > Module Settings, with a simple drag & drop. In the same manner is possible to move a field inside the block or between different blocks of the same module;
    4. Has been implemented the possibility to configure autonomously, interface side, an exclusive SMTP reserved for sending newsletter. In addition, is possible to set a specific address for bounce back email.


    1. From the module settings, is possible to change the number of columns present in the related modules.


    2. From Module settings > Quotations, Sales Order, Purchase Order and Invoice , is possible to change the number of columns present in the products block, being able to configure the contents as well as the width of the columns. Finally is possible to use personalized formula to valorise the content.


    3. New settings for the view list 


    4. Possibility to reorganize fields within a module with drag and drop, from module settings


    5. Possibility to set up apart a SMTP service to send Newsletter. In addition is possible to set an email address for the bounced back email.

    My files folder deletion  (Homepage)

    The folder My files present in the Homepage (activable from the user preferences until the previous version of vtenext) has been eliminated. Due to the upgrade of the vtenext version all including  files have been moved to Documents, in a folder called My private Files.