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197 total results found

14.5 Export to PDF

User Manual vtenext 22.05 14 PDF Maker

To generate a PDF, access the main module registry (e.g.: Quotes) and click the Other button in the top right-hand corner. The PDF Maker panel for exporting the document will appear. Choose the desired model and press Export in PDF. At this point the system...

14.6 Products Images in PDF

User Manual vtenext 22.05 14 PDF Maker

In the product block models, you can also add thumbnails related to the images uploaded in the product sheet. Warning! The appropriate variable for the product image must be inserted in the template. The $PRODUCTS_IMAGENAME$ variable must be inserted bet...

14.7 Custom Functions in PDF

User Manual vtenext 22.05 14 PDF Maker

It is possible to define custom functions for data processing within the PDF Maker. To add a custom function, place the PHP file with the function code inside the modules/PDFMaker/function folder; the file will be included automatically.The its4you.php functio...

14.8 PDF file name

User Manual vtenext 22.05 14 PDF Maker

In the PDF Maker Settings tab, you can define the name of the output PDF file. This option allows you to define the file name according to your needs. It is possible to combine text strings, module variables and standard variables such as the template name, cu...

14.9 Export/Import PDF Template

User Manual vtenext 22.05 14 PDF Maker

You can import or export the templates of the PDF Maker module in XML format using the appropriate buttons.This feature is only available to CRM administrator users.

13 Reports and charts

User Manual vtenext 22.05 13 Reports and charts

Through Reports and Charts, you can examine the data in vtenext and extrapolate them from different points of view. Reports Charts First of all, you have to identify the type of data extraction you want (i.e.: what do you want to obtain?) and, from ther...

13.1 Reports

User Manual vtenext 22.05 13 Reports and charts

Reports are organised in folders. You can create new ones and delete them (only empty folders can be deleted), and also switch to list view via the List button.To create a new report, click on the button from the Reports moduleOnce you click the button, a wiza...

13.2 Charts

User Manual vtenext 22.05 13 Reports and charts

Once you have created a report you can generate a chart from it using the Create Graph button. Type Click on the type of chart you want: pie, histogram, bar … Chart Name Enter chart name Show Legend Activate to vi...

11 Passive cycle: vendors and purchase orders

User Manual vtenext 22.05 11 Passive cycle: vendors and purchase ...

vtenext allows you to manage the passive cycle through the modules: Vendors Purchase Orders

11.1 Vendors

User Manual vtenext 22.05 11 Passive cycle: vendors and purchase ...

In the same way as the Accounts registries, you can enter the vendor data sheets here that contain general contact information: name, email, telephone, site, accounting code, category, etc. Again in this case, the Layout Editor permits the administrator user ...

11.2 Purchase Orders

User Manual vtenext 22.05 11 Passive cycle: vendors and purchase ...

Through Add Purchase Order from the reports menu of the supplier data sheet, you can attach a pre-filled order with the link to the supplier in question. The rationale of the Purchase Order is the same as that of the Sales Order that has already been covered,...

2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

This section consists in a brief introduction to vtenext for those who are accessing the system for the first time. The goal is to provide to the user with the basic knowledge to become familiar with this tool, which is designed to be intuitive and easy to use...

2.1 System login

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

To login to vtenext enter your user credentials in the system login page and click on the Login button: Most browsers can save your “User name” and “Password” credentials to speed up the login process. For data security reasons we recommend not allowing the...

2.1.1 User session duration

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The duration of the user session in vtenext depends mainly on the php session, that is on a parameter that is configured in the server where the crm is installed.In the login page there is a flag field called "stay connected" and once active, the session time ...

2.2 Home

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

When the user logs in to the CRM the user-specific home page can be displayed (this setting is editable by individual users in User Preferences). The Home page is composed of a set of elements (dashboards) that retrieve information from vtenext. The dashboa...

2.3 Navigation methods: menus

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The navigation within vtenext is guided from two menus positioned on the left and right of the screen. It is composed of two different toolbars illustrated below: The dark blue navigation bar provides access to all vtenext active modules. Depending ...

2.3.1 Global Search

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The global search function, located in the first place on the right-hand toolbar, allows interrogation related to words within the system. The search can be carried out either in the module in which you are currently working, in all modules, or in only part of...

2.3.2 Fixed Icons

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

Processes: clicking on this icon gives access to the detailed view of all processes implemented in the CRM. Last viewed: by clicking on this icon you can visualize the user’s lists consulted recently. Calendar: Access to a simplified mini...

2.3.3 Contextual Icons

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The button is used to create a new entity in the module in which you are currently positioned. While clicking on allows to enter in a sub-menu with the following options:   Delete: it allows to delete all selected records in the list Mass Edit it allows ...

2.4 Search in module

User Manual vtenext 22.05 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

To find a term in a specific module, press the icon search. The research result is temporary, in fact it is cleared when the page is closed or updated. To perform researches that can be saved and retrieved please refer to the Filters function. 1. Search bo...