General premises
In this section you can find a general guide to perform vtenext backups.
The backup procedure was performed with vtenext 19ce. The guide is also valid for the other versions of vtenext.
Go to the root folder of vtenext (eg. C:\vtenext19ce\htdocs
) and create new zip archive.
Then open SQLyog or phpMyAdmin and dump the database. If you use SQLyog follow these step:
- Open SQLyog and create new connection
- Go to the root folder of vtenext and open the
- Reopen SQLyog, compile the connection form and save the connection
- Save the database dump
Go to the root folder of vtenext (eg. /var/www/html/vtenext19ce
) and create new archive.
cd /var/www/html
tar cvzf backups/vte1907_1817_20191126.tgz vtenext19ce
Replace vtenext19ce
with your folder name
You can rename the backup vte1907_1817_20191126.tgz
as you want
Then dump the database.
mysqldump -u root -p vte1907_1817 --single-transaction --quick --routines --triggers --events | gzip -7 > backups/vte1907_1817_20191126.sql.gz
Replace vte1907_1817
with your database name
You can rename the backup vte1907_1817_20191126.sql.gz
as you want