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HR Requests - Time off/Vacation/Sick/Smartwork

The HR Requests module lets vtenext users ask for Time offs, Vacations, Sick leaves, and track days of Remote Work through the CRM platform, thus managing everything in a practical way, without making a single phone call. In fact, the requests will be conveyed to the direct manager (Area Coordinator) and to the latter’s direct supervisor (Supervisor) via email.

The module is accessible from the menu at the bottom left and allows, as first thing, to view the history of requests and those still in progress:


View by list of the HR Requests module

To make a new HR Request, the best practice is to start directly from the Calendar, which, thanks to this new module’s installation, will have a new button (top left) called HR REQUEST, as visible in the image below.


By clicking on HR REQUEST, it will be possible to land on the selection page and fill in for Time offs, Vacations, Sick leaves or Remote Work.


Creation of an HR Request

In the creation display we can choose, first of all, the Request Type among those available on the picklist. The choice will provide us with different fields that will have to be filled out in order to complete the HR Request. Below is a table synthesizing the available fields depending on the choice made in the drop-down menu.

TIME OFF (if the request lasts for <_ than 2 hours it is automatically approved without a the intervention of a supervisor)

Start Time Off

Insert the start time for the time off

End Time Off

Insert the end time for the time off

Time Off Date

Insert the date for the time off (only 1 day allowed)

Description Information

Text area for inserting potential notes or communications for one’s supervisor


N.B. it is possible to modify the 2 hours parameter by process


Vacation Date Start

Insert the date of vacation start

Vacation Date End

Insert the date of vacation end

Description Information

Text area for inserting potential notes or communications for one’s supervisor



Sick Date Start

Insert the Sick start date

Sick Date End

Insert the Sick end date

Medical Certificate Number

Insert the Certificate number

Description Information

Text area for inserting potential notes or communications for one’s supervisor



Smart Work Date

Insert the start date of Smart Work (only 1 day allowed)

Smart Work Time Start

Insert the start time of Smart Work

Smart Work Time End

Insert the end time of Smart Work

Description Information

Text area for inserting potential notes or communications for one’s supervisor


Once the request is filled out, you can proceed to saving it by clicking on the SAVE button upwards on the right.

Caution: the insertion of the request date must not be equal to today’s date, the system will still warn you with a small popup as in the example below.


Popup warning for incorrect date insertion (equal to today’s date) detail

At this point, after saving, the request page will appear as in the following image (Vacation request example)


Detailed view of a request (Vacation)

Some essential fields are highlighted in the image, which are necessary for understanding who has made the request and who supervises the eventual confirmation or rejection. In the COLLABORATOR field, we see the name of the user that made the request, in the AREA COORDINATOR field, we see the person who will eventually confirm or reject such request.
In conclusion, notice the SUPERVISOR field, who will intervene in case the AREA COORDINATOR is not able to respond to the request.

If the HR Request exceeds 2 days, it is assigned directly to the Supervisor, thus bypassing the Area Coordinator. Therefore, the Supervisor has 15 days to accept or decline such request, otherwise it will be automatically reassigned back to the Area Coordinator, who may decide autonomously on behalf of the Supervisor (these variables can be parameterized through the process in being).

There is also another block called Period Information, which displays possible start and end times/dates of the request and the notice time.

Furthermore, it is also possible to cancel the request by clicking on the CANCEL HR REQUEST button, however, this can only be done by the requesting Collaborator.

Warning: as mentioned earlier, the cancellation can only be done by the Collaborator, but the system will not ask for any confirmation, it will directly eliminate the request (thus, do not expect the usual popup asking “Are you sure that you want to cancel?”).

Notice the Relations on the right in the details view of the HR Request. There are a number of Tasks placed on the Calendar of the people involved ( for example, if the Request has been confirmed, we will find the requested Vacation period both on the Collaborator’s and on the Area Coordinator’s calendars). Moreover, the Approval notification emails that have been sent to the Collaborator and to the Area Coordinator with the summary of the request are linked here too. Both emails will have the Human Resources manager as sender (it is possible to vary such parameter through the process configuration).


The Area Coordinator receives an email by process, with a link to directly reach the request and give a response, as in the following picture:


Detail of the email sent to the Area Coordinator


Detailed request confirmation

Once such a request is approved, the Collaborator is in turn notified of the outcome via email (acceptance or rejection with possible justification).


Detail of the confirmation email sent to the Collaborator

As previously mentioned, after the confirmation of the HR Request, a calendar event (both Collaborator and Area Coordinator) corresponding, in terms of duration, to the requested period, is created.