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4.1 Add a calendar event

User Manual vtenext 23.08 4 Calendar and Activities

In the Calendar module you can click the green create button or click on the agenda area, draggin...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

4 Calendar and Activities

User Manual vtenext 23.08 4 Calendar and Activities

The vtenext calendar allows you to award a priority to your activities, specifying the users or c...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.7 Notes

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

Notes can be found in the vtenext records, located at the bottom left (available in most modules)...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.6.2 Create new document from related list

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

Opening DOCUMENTS in a CRM entity makes it possible to upload one or more files using drag and dr...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.6.1 Documents revision and sharing

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

Document revisions can be managed by means of the “Add Revision” button in the OTHER tab. On...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.6 Documents

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

vtenext features a simple but invaluable documents manager. Documents manager main characteristi...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.5.1 vtenext version update notification

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

From version 19.10 you can receive a notification from the CRM when a new vtenext version update ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.5 Notification Module

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

vtenext keep users informed of the data of interest by means of the Notifications tool.Each user ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.2.7 Mass email

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

A mass mailing tool is available send an email to multiple recipients (20 max) in a single shot. ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.2.6 Other Settings

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

Layout: change the emails list layout Filters: set up filter rules for automatic trans...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.2.5 .ics support for calendar

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

Attachments in .ics format are identified as invitations to attend an appointment and they create...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.2.4 Emails Sharing

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

To share an email with another user, simply open a conversation on the email concerned. The “Conv...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas Set Centralized Signature

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

The Centralized Signature makes it possible to set a default signature, identical for all crm use...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5.1 Outbound mail configuration (SMTP)

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

To activate the transmission of emails from CRM, fill in the SMTP server data in Settings > Mail ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

5 Personal communication tools

User Manual vtenext 23.08 5 Personal communication tools

The main purpose of a CRM system is management of customer relationships, in regard to which comm...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

6.4 FAX Module

User Manual vtenext 23.08 6 Marketing Communication Tools

vtenext can be enabled to send faxes. To configure the transmission of Fax messages login as an A...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

6.3 SMS Module

User Manual vtenext 23.08 6 Marketing Communication Tools

vtenext can be enabled to send SMS text messages. To configure the transmission of SMS messages, ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

6.2.3 Newsletter Configuration (SMTP)

User Manual vtenext 23.08 6 Marketing Communication Tools

From Settings > Other Settings, is possible to access the newsletter configuration page, which al...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

6.2.2 Requirements and settings for use of the Newsletter module

User Manual vtenext 23.08 6 Marketing Communication Tools

For correct use of the Newsletter module the following requirements must be met, or the following...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

6.2.1 Manual unsubscriptions management

User Manual vtenext 23.08 6 Marketing Communication Tools

You can decide manually to send or not send newsletters to a single Contact, Account and/or Lead ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas