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5 Personal communication tools

5 Personal communication tools

The main purpose of a CRM system is management of customer relationships, in regard to which comm...

5.1 Outbound mail configuration (SMTP)

To activate the transmission of emails from CRM, fill in the SMTP server data in Settings > Mail ...

5.2 Messages Module

The vtenext Messages module uses the IMAP email account. You can work on emails through vtenext a...

5.2.1 IMAP configuration and folders

To proceed with the email configuration you need to open the module Messages:  First of all yo... Set Centralized Signature

The Centralized Signature makes it possible to set a default signature, identical for all crm use...

5.2.2 Writing and reading emails

There are three equivalent options to send an email, e.g. to a contact: 1. clicking on the email...

5.2.3 Email Functions

Compose a new email. Download emails from the email server ...

5.2.4 Emails Sharing

To share an email with another user, simply open a conversation on the email concerned. The “Conv...

5.2.5 .ics support for calendar

Attachments in .ics format are identified as invitations to attend an appointment and they create...

5.2.6 Other Settings

Layout: change the emails list layout Filters: set up filter rules for automatic trans...

5.2.7 Mass email

A mass mailing tool is available send an email to multiple recipients (20 max) in a single shot. ...

5.3 Email Templates

The vtenext admin user can make email templates available to other users for use for single email...

5.4 Talks Module

vtenext proposes an alternative solution to manage the exchange of information within your organi...

5.5 Notification Module

vtenext keep users informed of the data of interest by means of the Notifications tool.Each user ...

5.5.1 vtenext version update notification

From version 19.10 you can receive a notification from the CRM when a new vtenext version update ...

5.6 Documents

vtenext features a simple but invaluable documents manager. Documents manager main characteristi...

5.6.1 Documents revision and sharing

Document revisions can be managed by means of the “Add Revision” button in the OTHER tab. On...

5.6.2 Create new document from related list

Opening DOCUMENTS in a CRM entity makes it possible to upload one or more files using drag and dr...

5.7 Notes

Notes can be found in the vtenext records, located at the bottom left (available in most modules)...