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2.3 Barcode Scanning and QR Code Search


The barcode is an information encoding system that uses a series of lines and spaces of varying widths to represent numerical or alphanumeric data. They are commonly used to identify products, facilitate the tracking of goods, and simplify business transactions.

The QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of two-dimensional barcode that can be quickly read by a device equipped with a camera, such as a smartphone. It was developed in Japan in the 1990s to track parts in manufacturing processes, but today it is used in a wide range of applications.

A QR code can contain information such as URLs, text, phone numbers, contact information, and more. When a user scans the QR code with a reading app, the device decodes the information contained in the code and can perform actions such as opening a website, saving a contact, or sending a message.

How it works in vtenext

Barcode scanning

By going to SETTINGS > MODULE MANAGER > PRODUCTS > LAYOUT EDITOR, you can enable the barcode scanning function for the PRODUCT NAME field. This is clearly just an example; you can activate this feature on any text field. Therefore, you can create a text field, name it as you prefer, and enable the scanning option for that field.


Screen of the Layout Editor (in the example of the Products module), with Barcode Scanning Enabled

Instantly in the Wilson App, the scanning symbol will be enabled directly in that field, and by pressing it, the camera will be activated to perform the scan


Note the scanning symbol present directly in the relevant field


Acquisition screen, where you are asked to scan the barcode in the highlighted area


Screen highlighting the acquired code and notifying the user that a new barcode has been found

Search via QR Code

This function is available only upon specific client request.

It is possible to activate a search via QR Code in vtenext. In practice, in any module, I can use the search engine of the Wilson App to scan a QR Code and search for the code associated with a record (e.g., a Lead, a Client, or a Product).


Note that in the search area of the Wilson App, there is a symbol for scanning the QR Code, which will activate the camera to capture the code


Once the QR Code is framed, the CRM will perform the search and display the result on the mobile app