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12.4 Project Milestones and Progress Chart

User Manual vtenext 23.08 12 Projects and orders management

Project Milestones represent the end points of planning steps. In the graph they are represented ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

12.3 Project Tasks

User Manual vtenext 23.08 12 Projects and orders management

Operations comprise the internal phases of the planning that, once completed, lead to the conclus...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

12.2 Projects

User Manual vtenext 23.08 12 Projects and orders management

To create a new project, access the module and press the button Key fields: Related t...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

12.1 Job Orders

User Manual vtenext 23.08 12 Projects and orders management

From vtenext 20.04 the new module Job Orders is now available. The module is linked to the Projec...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

12 Projects and Job Orders management

User Manual vtenext 23.08 12 Projects and orders management

Project management in vtenext is organised over four modules: Job Orders Projects Project Ta...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

3.1.1 Lead creation

User Manual vtenext 23.08 3 Customers records and basic data mana...

Creating a new lead: to create a new record, access the LEADS module and click on the button ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

3.1 Leads

User Manual vtenext 23.08 3 Customers records and basic data mana...

A lead is a potential customer whose interest in the products or services offered by your company...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

3 Customers records and basic data management

User Manual vtenext 23.08 3 Customers records and basic data mana...

vtenext identifies 4 types of customer records: Leads: potential customers; Accounts: acquire...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.6 Filters

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The filters facilitate CRM search activities. Setting up a filter means creating a search system ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.5.2 Quick look relations

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

In the list view and in the detail view, the CRM allows you to preview several summary items of a...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.5.1 Record structure (detail view)

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

1. Relations with other modules: positioned on the right of the screen, this function summarise...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.5 Modules structure

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The application is structured according to relations between the various modules, based on the pr...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.4 Search in module

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

To find a term in a specific module, press the icon search. The research result is temporary, ...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.3.3 Contextual Icons

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The buttonĀ is used to create a new entity in the module in which you are currently positioned. W...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.3.2 Fixed Icons

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

Processes: clicking on this icon gives access to the detailed view of all processes imple...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.3 Navigation methods: menus

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The navigation within vtenext is guided from two menus positioned on the left and right of the sc...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.1.1 User session duration

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

The duration of the user session in vtenext depends mainly on the php session, that is on a param...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2.1 System login

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

To login to vtenext enter your user credentials in the system login page and click on the Login b...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas

2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

User Manual vtenext 23.08 2 First steps: how to browse vtenext

This section consists in a brief introduction to vtenext for those who are accessing the system f...

Updated 1 year ago by Thomas


Corso Installer/Configurator Installazione vte su Linux Ubuntu 20.04...

Configurazione CRON Verificare che il file nella cartella cron abbia i permessi di e...

Updated 1 year ago by ddalmaso