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Configurazione Modulo Telemarketing Avanzato

Modulo Telemarketing Avanzato

La creazione e l’utilizzo del modulo è semplice da gestire seguendo questi passi:1. Creazione di ...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin

Cos'è il modulo Telemarketing Avanzato

Modulo Telemarketing Avanzato

Per creare una campagna di Telemarketing con vtenext, per prima cosa, serve andare nel modulo Cam...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin


Corso Installer/Configurator Installazione vte su Linux Ubuntu 18.04...

Aprire il programma Putty e collegarsi all’host remoto dove si dovrà installare vte tramite conne...

Updated 4 years ago by ddalmaso


Corso Installer/Configurator Installazione vte su Linux Ubuntu 16.04...

Aprire il programma Putty e collegarsi all’host remoto dove si dovrà installare vte tramite conne...

Updated 4 years ago by ddalmaso

2 - Send newsletter

Business Process Manager Manual How to use Advanced BPMN Actions

Newsletter sending It is possible to schedule the newsletter sending using the processes.Doing s...


Business Process Manager Manual Subprocesses

PROCESS ACTIVATION At this point we completed the configuration of the process and sub processes...

Process Configuration - POTENTIAL MANAGEMENT

Business Process Manager Manual Subprocesses

Main Process: Potential Management We use the Task Sub Processes to create them, doing so we w...

Advanced Process Activation - LEAD MANAGEMENT

Business Process Manager Manual Advanced Process Configuration - LEAD M...

Once enabled we run a check, we go to the Lead module and we create a new one. As pictured below,...

3 - Web service integration

Business Process Manager Manual How to use Advanced BPMN Actions

Web service integration Using WebServices it is possible to integrate different systems.Using th...

1 - Basic Process activation - Installation renewals

Business Process Manager Manual How to use Advanced BPMN Actions

  PROCESS ACTIVATION We can test now the process in action. There are no existing renewal and...

1 - Basic Process configuration - Installation renewals

Business Process Manager Manual How to use Advanced BPMN Actions

  Let’s proceed with the creation of an easy process to manage the renewal of an Asset.When an...

1 - How to create a Table field

Business Process Manager Manual How to use Advanced BPMN Actions

Table field use This type of field allows to have more type of fields in it.It is displayed as a...

Basic rules

Business Process Manager Manual BPMN Introduction

Before seeing in detail the symbols used in vtenext is important to understand some fundamental r...

Let’s see how the Business Process Manager works

Business Process Manager Manual BPMN Introduction

To crate a process in vtenext the following steps must be followed Click on: 1- Settings 2- P...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin

Which are the benefits?

Business Process Manager Manual BPMN Introduction

Which are the benefits? Mapping the processes of your company allows you to: improve the compa...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin

Business Unit Module

Business Unit Module

Introduction  Multi-Company Module is an advanced feature that allows a group of companies to us...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin


Advanced Warehouses and Price Lists

Lo scopo del presente documento è di descrivere le procedure e le modalità di utilizzo operativo ...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin


Magazzini e Listini Avanzati

Lo scopo del presente documento è di descrivere le procedure e le modalità di utilizzo operativo ...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin

Gestione “Listini Avanzati”

Magazzini e Listini Avanzati

Come anticipato, il componente aggiuntivo permette di estendere le funzionalità standard di vtene...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin

New entity creation

Outlook Plugin

Apart for the possibility to synchronize events and to dos between Outlook calendar and the one o...

Updated 4 years ago by Admin