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6.3 SMS Module

vtenext can be enabled to send SMS text messages. To configure the transmission of SMS messages, login in as an Admin user and go to Settings > Outbound SMS server.

To enable the transmission of SMS messages from vtenext you need to set up an email-to-sms service. This service can be requested from your mobile communications provider or by contacting vtenext partners. Once the service has been set up you can define the email addresses authorised to use the service.

In general, to send an SMS from the email function simply send an email to a recipient address with the following structure:

country code and callee number @ service provider com/…

To use the service directly from the recipient record (lead or contact), click SEND SMS in the green OTHER tab: the system automatically composes the recipient’s email address without the user being aware or being able to view this operation.

In summary, to set an SMS message you must specify the following information in vtenext:

  • data of the mailbox enabled to send SMS messages;
  • country code;
  • SMS service provider domain.

Server Name

Specify the outbound email server address referred to the mailbox enabled for sending SMS messages

User Name

Login to access the mailbox


Password associated with the mailbox

Requires Authentication?

Specify Yes/No depending on the characteristics of the email server (generally Yes)

Domain to apply to SMS numbers

This info is supplied by the SMS service provider

SMS service account

State the account name for the SMS service; this information is supplied by the SMS service provider

Code to apply to SMS numbers

Specify the country code (39 for Italy)

Name displayed in the SMS message

This function depends on the service provider - it might not be enabled

Server name * = It may be necessary to add the port (e.g. SMS service account * = It may be necessary to use the email address entered in the Username field.
